
An intrinsic Goedel's System T (STLC with natural numbers)

STLC part is basically a replay of test-suites and examples from the Equations plugin (some of them, in turn, based on Chlipala's CPDT) We add a recursion over natural numbers and notations based on Custom Entries
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import PeanoNat List HList.

Import ListNotations.

Import Nat.

Set Equations Transparent.

Basic definitions

Inductive Ty : Set :=
| tU : Ty
| tNat : Ty
| tArr : Ty -> Ty -> Ty.

Notation "A :-> B" := (tArr A B) (at level 70).

Definition Ctx := list Ty.

Definition is_zero (n : nat) : bool :=
  match n with
  | O => true
  | _ => false

The intrincic syntax for STLC
Inductive Exp : Ctx -> Ty -> Type :=
| Star : forall {Γ}, Exp Γ tU
| Var : forall {Γ τ},
    τ Γ ->
    Exp Γ τ
| Lam : forall {Γ} (τ σ : Ty),
    Exp (τ :: Γ) σ ->
    Exp Γ (τ :-> σ)
| App : forall {Γ} (τ σ : Ty),
    Exp Γ (τ :-> σ) -> Exp Γ τ ->
    Exp Γ σ
| Zero : forall {Γ}, Exp Γ tNat
| Suc : forall {Γ}, Exp Γ (tNat :-> tNat)
| Nat_elim : forall {Γ τ}, Exp Γ τ -> Exp Γ (tNat :-> (τ :-> τ)) -> Exp Γ (tNat :-> τ).

Let's create custom notations for our lambda terms

Declare Custom Entry ty.
Declare Custom Entry lambda.

Notation "[\ e \]" := e (e custom ty at level 2).
Notation "'*'" := tU (in custom ty).
Notation "'ℕ'" := tNat (in custom ty at level 1).
Notation "'SUC'" := Suc (in custom lambda at level 1).
Notation " A -> B" := (tArr A B) (in custom ty at level 4, right associativity,
                                    A custom ty,
                                    B custom ty at level 4).
Notation "( x )" := x (in custom ty, x at level 2).

Notation "[! e !]" := e (e custom lambda at level 2).
Notation "()" := (Star) (in custom lambda).
Notation "'v0'" := (Var (here _)) (in custom lambda).
Notation "'v1'" := (Var (there _ (here _))) (in custom lambda).
Notation "'v2'" := (Var (there _ (there _ (here _)))) (in custom lambda).
Notation " 'λ' e : τ -> σ" := (Lam τ σ e) (in custom lambda at level 1,
                                              e custom lambda at level 2,
                                              τ custom ty at level 2,
                                              σ custom ty at level 2).
Notation " 'λ' e " := (Lam _ _ e) (in custom lambda at level 1,
                                             e custom lambda at level 2).

Notation " 'ℕ_elim' ( e0 , es ) " := (Nat_elim e0 es)
                                       (in custom lambda at level 1,
                                           e0 custom lambda,
                                           es custom lambda).

Notation "e1 e2" := (App _ _ e1 e2) (in custom lambda at level 1,
                                                e1 custom lambda,
                                                e2 custom lambda at level 2
                                                (* , *)
                                                (* τ custom ty at level 2, *)
                                                (* σ custom ty at level 2 *)
Notation "( x )" := x (in custom lambda, x at level 2).
Notation "{ x }" := x (in custom lambda, x constr).

Definition unit_arrow2 := [\ * -> * -> * \].

Definition id_unit : Exp [] (tU :-> tU) :=
  [! λ v0 : * -> * !].

Definition id_unit_unit : Exp [] (tU :-> (tU :-> tU)) :=
  [! λ λ v0 !].

Definition id_fun_unit : Exp [] ((tU :-> tU) :-> (tU :-> tU)) :=
  [! λ v0 !].

Definition id_unit_app : Exp [] (tU :-> tU) :=
  [! {id_fun_unit} (λ v0) !].

Reserved Notation "⟦ τ ⟧" (at level 50).

Definition nat_elim : forall A : Type, A -> (nat -> A -> A) -> nat -> A :=
  fun A => nat_rect (fun _ => A).

Equations denoteTy (τ : Ty) : Set :=
  { tU := unit;
     tNat := nat;
     tArr τ1 τ2 := τ1 -> τ2 }

where "⟦ τ ⟧" := (denoteTy τ).

Notation "ρ ,, x" := (HCons x ρ) (at level 50).

Reserved Notation "⟦ e ⟧ ρ" (at level 50).

Definition Env Γ := hlist Ty denoteTy Γ.

Equations denoteExp {Γ τ} (ρ : Env Γ) (e : Exp Γ τ) : τ :=
  { Star ρ := tt;
     Var i ρ := hget ρ i;
     Lam τ σ e ρ := fun (x : τ) => denoteExp,, x) e;
     App τ σ e1 e2 ρ := (e1ρ) (e2ρ);
     Zero ρ := O;
     Suc ρ := S;
     Nat_elim e0 fρ := fun n => nat_elim _ (e0ρ) (fρ) n }

where "⟦ e ⟧ ρ" := (denoteExp ρ e).

Definition idf := id_unit HNil.

Definition my_add_syn : Exp [] (tNat :-> (tNat :-> tNat)) :=
  [! λ λ (ℕ_elim(v0, (λ λ (SUC v0))) v1) !].

Definition my_add := Eval compute in my_add_synHNil.

Compute my_add 1 2.

Lemma my_add_add n m :
  my_add n m = n + m.
  induction n;simpl;auto.