
Bidirectional type checking for STLC.

(* GALLINETTE seminar, Semptember 17-18, 2018 *)

Require Import String.
Require Import stlc.
Require Import Utf8.
Set Implicit Arguments.

The syntax for STLC with type casts

(* Alternatively, we could have annotated lambda abstractions like this:
   ALamAnn : string -> Ty -> CExp -> CExp, i.e. λ (x : A). t.
   Then infer is always defined.
   Use as a core language.
   And we start with partially annotated terms (or not annotated at all) and try to recover fully annotated terms.
   We can fo this using the following functions:
   infer_decorate : part. annotated -> annotated (= option (Exp × Ty))
   check_decorate : part. annotated -> annotated
   (mutially recursive; can fail, if there is not enough information)

   We could convert from one representation to another, but Annotated Lambdas -> Casts requires type inference.

Inductive CExp : Set :=
  | AInt : nat -> CExp
  | AVar : string -> CExp
  | ALam : string -> CExp -> CExp
  | AApp : CExp -> CExp -> CExp
  | ACast : CExp -> Ty -> CExp.

Reserved Notation "[ Gamma |- a ::: A ] ".

The typing rules for the STLC with annotations
Inductive TypingAnn : TEnv -> CExp -> Ty -> Prop :=
  | atyInt : forall (Gamma : TEnv) (n : nat),
      [ Gamma |- (AInt n) ::: tInt ]
  | atyVar : forall (Gamma : TEnv) (x : string) (A : Ty),
      lookEnv Gamma x = Some(A) ->
      [ Gamma |- (AVar x) ::: A ]
  | atyLam : forall (Gamma : TEnv) (x : string) (b : CExp) (A B : Ty),
      [ Gamma, x @ A |- b ::: B ] ->
      [ Gamma |- (ALam x b) ::: (A :-> B)]
  | atyApp : forall (Gamma : TEnv) (f a : CExp) (A B : Ty),
      [ Gamma |- f ::: (A :-> B) ]->
      [ Gamma |- a ::: A ] ->
      [ Gamma |- (AApp f a) ::: B ]
  | atyCast : forall (Gamma : TEnv) (e : CExp) (A : Ty),
      [ Gamma |- e ::: A ] -> [ Gamma |- ACast e A ::: A]
where "[ Gamma |- a ::: A ]" := (TypingAnn Gamma a A).

Fixpoint ty_eqb (ty1 ty2 : Ty) : bool :=
  match ty1,ty2 with
  | tInt, tInt => true
  | tArr ty1 ty2, tArr ty1' ty2' => andb (ty_eqb ty1 ty1') (ty_eqb ty2 ty2')
  | _,_ => false

Fixpoint infer (G : TEnv) (e : CExp) : option Ty :=
  match e with
  | AInt n => Some tInt
  | AVar v => lookEnv G v
  | ALam x t1 => None (* with the "annotated lambdas" syntax it would be ALamAnn x ty t => (infer (G,ty) t) *)
  | AApp t1 t2 => match infer G t1 with
                  | Some (tArr ty1 ty2) => if (check G t2 ty1) then Some ty2 else None
                  | _ => None
  | ACast t ty => if check G t ty then Some ty else None
  with check (G : TEnv) (e : CExp) (ty : Ty) : bool :=
         match e with
         | AInt n => ty_eqb ty tInt
         | AVar v as t => (*  should be: infer G t and compare the result of the call, but we have to inline the case from infer due to the issues with fixpoint *)
                         match (lookEnv G v) with
                          | Some ty' => ty_eqb ty' ty
                          | None => false
         | ALam x t1 as t => match ty with
                                 | tArr ty1' ty2' => check (cons G x ty1') t1 ty2'
                                 | tInt => false
         | AApp t1 t2 as t =>
           match (
             (*  should be: infer G t, but again, this breaks a fixpoint, so we just inline *)
               match infer G t1 with
                  | Some (tArr ty1 ty2) => if (check G t2 ty1) then Some ty2 else None
                  | _ => None
             ) with
             Some ty' => ty_eqb ty ty'
           | None => false
         | ACast t ty' => andb (ty_eqb ty ty') (check G t ty')

Module NoAnnotations.
  Local Coercion AInt : nat >-> CExp.

  Definition v := AVar.

  Notation "'λ_' x ',' t" := (ALam x t) (at level 100).
  Notation "'(' t ':::' A ')'" := (ACast t A).
  Notation "t @ u" := (AApp t u) (at level 100).

  Eval compute in check empty 0 tInt.

  Eval compute in infer empty
                        ((λ_ "x", v"x") ::: (tInt :-> tInt)).

  Eval compute in check empty
                        (((λ_ "x", v"x") ::: (tInt :-> tInt)) @ 0) tInt.
End NoAnnotations.

Lemma ty_eqb_true : A B, ty_eqb A B = true -> A = B.
  intros ty1.
  induction ty1;intros ty2 H.
  - destruct ty2. simpl in *. reflexivity. simpl in *. inversion H.
  - destruct ty2. simpl in *. inversion H.
    inversion H. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H1. destruct H1. f_equal;auto.

Axiom ty_eqb_refl : A, ty_eqb A A = true.

Theorem check_sound : Γ t A, (check Γ t A = true -> [ Γ |- t ::: A])
                            /\ ( infer Γ t = Some A -> [ Γ |- t ::: A]).
  intros Γ t. revert Γ. induction t; intros Γ A;split;intros H0;inversion H0 as [H].
  - rewrite (ty_eqb_true _ _ H).
    now apply atyInt.
  - now apply atyInt.
  - apply atyVar.
    destruct (lookEnv Γ s);[|inversion H].
    now rewrite (ty_eqb_true _ _ H).
  - now apply atyVar.
  - destruct A;[inversion H|].
    apply atyLam.
    now apply (proj1 (IHt _ _ )).
  - remember (infer Γ t1) as bli.
    destruct bli;[|discriminate H].
    destruct t;[discriminate H|].
    remember (check Γ t2 t3) as bla.
    destruct bla;[|discriminate H];symmetry in Heqbli,Heqbla.
    apply (proj2 (IHt1 _ _ )) in Heqbli.
    apply IHt2 in Heqbla.
    apply ty_eqb_true in H;subst.
    now apply atyApp with t3.
  - remember (infer Γ t1) as bli.
    destruct bli;[|discriminate H].
    destruct t;[discriminate H|].
    remember (check Γ t2 t3) as bla.
    destruct bla;[|discriminate H];symmetry in Heqbli,Heqbla.
    apply (proj2 (IHt1 _ _ )) in Heqbli.
    apply IHt2 in Heqbla.
    inversion H;subst.
    now apply atyApp with t3.
  - apply Bool.Is_true_eq_left,Bool.andb_prop_elim in H as [H1 H2].
    apply Bool.Is_true_eq_true,ty_eqb_true in H1.
    apply Bool.Is_true_eq_true in H2;subst.
    apply atyCast.
    now apply (proj1 (IHt _ _)).
  - remember (check Γ t t0) as che.
    destruct che;[|discriminate H].
    inversion H; subst.
    symmetry in Heqche.
    apply atyCast.
    now apply (proj1 (IHt _ _)).

Import NoAnnotations.

Inductive decorate : CExp -> CExp -> Prop :=
| dec_refl : t, decorate t t
| dec_add : t u A, decorate t u -> decorate t (ACast u A)
| dec_lam : t t' s, decorate t t' -> decorate (λ_ s, t) (λ_ s, t')
| dec_app : t t' u u', decorate t t' -> decorate u u' -> decorate (t @ u) (t' @ u')
| dec_cast : t t' A, decorate t t' -> decorate (t ::: A) (t' ::: A)

(* Adding optionally annotated lambdas *)
Inductive CExpAnn : Set :=
  | ALInt : nat -> CExpAnn
  | ALVar : string -> CExpAnn
  | ALLam : string -> option Ty -> CExpAnn -> CExpAnn
  | ALApp : CExpAnn -> CExpAnn -> CExpAnn
  | ALCast : CExpAnn -> Ty -> CExpAnn.

Theorem infer_complete' : Γ t A, [ Γ |- t ::: A]
        -> exists t', infer Γ t' = Some A /\ check Γ t' A = true /\ decorate t t'.
  intros Γ t;revert Γ;induction t;intros Γ A HTy.
  - exists (AInt n). simpl. inversion HTy.
    repeat constructor.
  - exists (AVar s). simpl. inversion HTy.
    rewrite H1. repeat constructor. apply ty_eqb_refl.
  - inversion_clear HTy.
    apply IHt in H as [t' [H1 [ H2 H3]]].
    exists (ACast (λ_ s, t') (A0 :-> B)). cbn.
    rewrite H2, !ty_eqb_refl. now repeat constructor.
  - inversion_clear HTy.
    apply IHt1 in H as [t1' [H1 [H2 H5]]].
    apply IHt2 in H0 as [t2' [H3 [H4 H6]]].
    exists (t1'@t2'). cbn.
    rewrite H1,H4,!ty_eqb_refl. now repeat constructor.
  - inversion_clear HTy.
    apply IHt in H as [t' [H1 [H2 H3]]].
    exists (t' ::: A). cbn.
    rewrite H2, ty_eqb_refl. repeat split.
    now apply dec_cast.

Fixpoint inferAnn (G : TEnv) (e : CExpAnn) : option Ty :=
  match e with
  | ALInt n => Some tInt
  | ALVar v => lookEnv G v
  | ALLam x A t => match A with
                   | Some A' => match (inferAnn (cons G x A') t) with
                                | Some B => Some (tArr A' B)
                                | None => None
                   | _ => None
  | ALApp t1 t2 => match inferAnn G t1 with
                  | Some (tArr ty1 ty2) => if (checkAnn G t2 ty1) then Some ty2 else None
                  | Some _ => None
                  | _ => None
  | ALCast t ty => if checkAnn G t ty then Some ty else None
  with checkAnn (G : TEnv) (e : CExpAnn) (ty : Ty) : bool :=
         match e with
         | ALInt n => ty_eqb ty tInt
         | ALVar v as t => match (lookEnv G v) with
                          | Some ty' => ty_eqb ty' ty
                          | None => false
         | ALLam x A t => match ty with
                          | tArr ty1' ty2' =>
                            match A with
                            | Some A' => if ty_eqb A' ty1' then checkAnn (cons G x A') t ty2'
                                         else false
                            | _ => false
                          | tInt => false
         | ALApp t1 t2 as t =>
           match (
             (*  should be: infer G t, but again, this breaks a fixpoint, so we just inline *)
               match inferAnn G t1 with
                  | Some (tArr ty1 ty2) => if (checkAnn G t2 ty1) then Some ty2 else None
                  | Some _ => None
                  | _ => None
             ) with
             Some ty' => ty_eqb ty ty'
           | None => false
         | ALCast t ty' => andb (ty_eqb ty ty') (checkAnn G t ty')

(* Fixpoint idec (G : TEnv) (e : CExpAnn) : option CExpAnn := *)
(*   match e with *)
(*   | ALInt n as t => Some t *)
(*   | ALVar v => lookEnv G v *)
(*   | ALLam x A t => match A with *)
(*                    | Some A' => Some (ALLam x A t) *)
(*                    | _ => None *)
(*                    end *)
(*   | ALApp t u => match idec G t with *)
(*                   | Some t' => if (checkAnn G t2 ty1) then Some ty2 else None *)
(*                   | Some _ => None *)
(*                   | _ => None *)
(*                   end *)
(*   | ALCast t ty => if checkAnn G t ty then Some ty else None *)
(*   end *)
(*   with cdec (G : TEnv) (e : CExpAnn) : CExpAnn * Ty := *)
(*          match e with *)
(*          | ALInt n => ty_eqb ty tInt *)
(*          | ALVar v as t => match (lookEnv G v) with *)
(*                           | Some ty' => ty_eqb ty' ty *)
(*                           | None => false *)
(*                           end *)
(*          | ALLam x A t => match ty with *)
(*                           | tArr ty1' ty2' => *)
(*                             match A with *)
(*                             | Some A' => if ty_eqb A' ty1' then checkAnn (cons G x A') t ty2' *)
(*                                          else false *)
(*                             | _ => false *)
(*                             end *)
(*                           | tInt => false *)
(*                           end *)
(*          | ALApp t1 t2 as t => *)
(*            match ( *)
(*              (*  should be: infer G t, but again, this breaks a fixpoint, so we just inline *) *)
(*                match inferAnn G t1 with *)
(*                   | Some (tArr ty1 ty2) => if (checkAnn G t2 ty1) then Some ty2 else None *)
(*                   | Some _ => None *)
(*                   | _ => None *)
(*                   end *)
(*              ) with *)
(*              Some ty' => ty_eqb ty ty' *)
(*            | None => false *)
(*            end *)
(*          | ALCast t ty' => andb (ty_eqb ty ty') (checkAnn G t ty') *)
(*          end. *)

Module WithAnnotations.
  Local Coercion ALInt : nat >-> CExpAnn.

  Definition v := ALVar.
  Notation "'λ_' x ',' t" := (ALLam x None t) (at level 100).
  Notation "'λ_(' x ::: A ')' ',' t" := (ALLam x (Some A) t) (at level 100).
  Notation "'(' t ':::' A ')'" := (ALCast t A).
  Notation "t @ u" := (ALApp t u) (at level 100).

  Eval compute in inferAnn empty (λ_("x" ::: tInt), v"x").

  Eval compute in checkAnn empty
                           ((λ_("x" ::: tInt), v"x") @ 0) tInt.

End WithAnnotations.